On Friday, February 18th 2012, we premiered «Noche de Sonetos» (Night of Sonnets). An intimate encounter with the sonnets of William Shakespeare, performed by Salo Pasik and María Comesaña.

The show immerses us in the richness of these small texts written by the greatest playwright in history.

Love, passion, guilt, fear, jealousy—emotions that take the form of poetry, reflecting the condition of the human soul like never before.



Ficha técnico artística

Autoría: William Shakespeare

Traducción: María Comesaña, Patricio Orozco

Actuan: María Comesaña, Salo Pasik

Fotografía: Silvana Sergio

Dirección: Patricio Orozco

Teatro: El Extranjero, Bs. As. Argentina